It's never an easy task to get people to shell out watchonworld for no benefit in return. On the other hand, online fundraising and the speed at which it is growing has proved just the opposite. At Impact Guru, we've had so many people donate towards personal and non-personal causes that may not have anything to do with them. This shows that compassion, empathy, and community, are at the heart of all philanthropic endeavors. It is, however, important to note that charity is no longer done in the same that it is used to. You'll find fewer philanthropists cutting big cheques to a single cause. With technology in the picture, it's much more nuanced now - and it's crucial that nonprofits and all other crowdfunding India campaigners align with the mindset of today's generation and their relationship with the charity. In this article, we'd like to discuss some of the top reason why people donate so that you can apply certain strategies to your crowdfunding India ...